Licensing Expo 09

Licensing Expo 09
WWE booth and graphics

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why Exhibit at your industry show during this ECONOMY

1) regardless of lack of funds you can not miss an opportunity to reach across state line to a new customer with out either leaving your state or really driving there to meet your new potential client.

2) wether it be a 100 sq ft booth or 1,000 sq ft booth you can not skip on graphics.. every booth has people in their booth. We are "herd mentality" - the herd blocking my view or entry keeps my herd moving down the aisle. less bodies but, big or detailed graphics tell a story and draws in the outside herd. Then human contact can enhance from there.

3) Try to seperate your company from "the pack". you can Hybrid your booth with custom components and modular and or portable pieces. Your neighbor may purchase the package A booth from either the general or portable guy 6 out of 10 have the same booth.

4) research the best shows or show to attend ask people in your industry. It may not be the obvious "national show". The National shows draw so many people you can attend even with out a booth and still meet with [potential] customers. Create an event.... in a hotel food,drink, show - this can have a lasting impact from the traditional booth and bring in more orders post show then a booth. From most dialogue I am having with existing clientele regional shows are producing more "bang for the buck"

5) mainly take your vitamins and drink lots of water.. we have to work 3 times as hard for one sale, then prior to 2007 levels- ha ha

6) I can answer more questions and or help beyond blog... xzbtguy- @ Irv Plank