Licensing Expo 09

Licensing Expo 09
WWE booth and graphics

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Are Trade shows worth attending in this New Economy!

I read this line of questioning on another blog... with many responses.. but I thought it would be best to try to sum it up...from my 25 plus years of experience and the best well of knowledge my clients:

Call me biased- I pay attention to no surveys but.. pay attention to the actual day to day show stated...medium size companies need trade shows and small along with start ups..the costs are challenging but the reward is hard to measure for them with out true tracking or detailed follow up with prospects[Note: the number #1 complaint from attendees- "No one followed up with me after the show"]...but it can be measured swiftly and or immediate by not going! Big corporations are feeling the crunch or leveled and feel they can 1/2 their booth sizes but... but... try as they may still spend the $$$ at primary shows somewhere either in the venue in a meeting room or at a chosen hotel to still pull the audience thier own or present product/services. Thier secondary shows may get more portables[for a booth] and premuims to maintain brand awareness..Money is there for us display fabricators and or managers need to be creative and try running a head of our prospects.. more 5K or 10Ks...ha ha

Be Well and Be prosperous "Big Kahuna" Irv

1 comment:

  1. To sum it up....small cos need to be selective on their shows..use graphics with a message...premiums t-shirts or simple usable give aways work for contiuned brand awareness.. e.g pens note pads etc.. medium is your time to find a workable booth...use max height...large graphics w message... standing dialogue areas.. AV areas contiued looped messages...identify your prospects..lead retrival...and Follow up after show- goos ol fashion face to face if you have the force..[for both small and medium]
